Phase 1
A first testing series was carried out on the 3D post-tensioned timber frame in January 2014.
During the test series an electro-mechanical shaker was fixed onto the structure at four different locations, always at the mid-span of a beam, so that both global mode shapes and local mode shapes from the beams could be excited. The structure was subjected to lateral and vertical dynamic excitations of varying frequencies and amplitudes (sine sweep). Furthermore, the frame-structure was excited by an impact hammer and the resulting free vibration was recorded. The response of the structure was measured by a network of 20 accelerometer sensors, which were widely distributed to form a modal grid. From the recorded data, the modal properties of the three-dimensional frame were extracted.
Electro-mechanical Shaker. (Photo: ETH Zurich) -
Impact Hammer. (Photo: ETH Zurich) -
3-axial Acceleration Sensor. (Photo: ETH Zurich)